
On Sunday, I spent £355.87 on clothes.

Yes, you read it right. Off I trundled to Box 2 in Cardiff, and blew the lot in less than an hour.

It was sale time, and let me tell you that I got loads for that money.

I know it’s a huge amount to blow on one shopping spree but in my defence I never buy anything. And I mean anything.

Honestly, I own about two pairs of shoes, three pairs of black trousers, a few T-shirts and a cardigan, and that’s my staple for everyday wear.

I’ve got about four really swishy things for really special occasions, but largely my wardrobe is lacking in anything interesting.

Maybe it’s because, as an official lumper, I can’t go into Primark and the like to stock up on “essentials”, like some trousers and playtime tops.

So I get a bit depressed about it, and end up in the same old comfort zone. You understand, right?

On Sunday, though, I woke up feeling like I was on the top of the world looking down on creations and other such saccharine sentiments worthy of a Carpenters song.

So I took the bull by the horns – well, I took the car out of the garage – dusted off my credit card and decided to spoil myself.

The last time I did that it was the 12th of never (and as we all know, that’s a long, long time), as disinterest buoyed by a sense of dieting failing has been the devil on my shoulder for so long now.

On Sunday, he must have converted, as the little blighter seemed to be having a day of rest.

Box 2 is normally out of my price range but on the weekend I got about 12 things on sale and hyper marked down prices; I’m talking thick brocade coat down from £200 to £100, linen tops from £70 to £20 each, a long jacket for £10 that was, once upon a time, £99.

Somewhere else that’s out of normal people’s reach is Anna Scholz.

Remember that time Trinny and Susannah “made over” Jo Brand and she appeared on the red carpet looking a knockout in brown velvet?

That was Anna’s clothes.

Anyway, she’s sent me details of her latest collections, clothes for the big bird which imbue a strong sense of glamour and feature fabulous tailoring, detailing and colour palettes.

The only place in Wales you can get them is at Zoloko in Narberth, but she designs for the Simply Be catalogue (www.simplybe.co.uk).

Her full range is available to buy from her website, www.annascholz.com

Shame I’m all spent out.

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